Flower bouquet "Blooming Garden" with carnation and hyacinth

Dhs. 390.00

A bouquet of carnations and hyacinths is a charming combination of sophistication and freshness. Carnations add traditional charm and elegance to the bouquet with their delicate petals, while hyacinths add an aromatic note and refreshing beauty to the arrangement. This bouquet embodies a wonderful combination of classics and natural beauty, giving you vivid impressions and joyful emotions.  Order with delivery now!

Composition and size

Chamelaucium - 1
Carnation - 4
Hyacinth - 6
Eucalyptus - 1


A bouquet of carnations and hyacinths is a charming combination of sophistication and freshness. Carnations add traditional charm and elegance to the bouquet with their delicate petals, while hyacinths add an aromatic note and refreshing beauty to the arrangement. This bouquet embodies a wonderful combination of classics and natural beauty, giving you vivid impressions and joyful emotions.  Order with delivery now!

Composition and size

Chamelaucium - 1
Carnation - 4
Hyacinth - 6
Eucalyptus - 1