Flower bouquet "Bright beauty" with carnation, chrysanthemum, tulip and ranunculus
The bouquet of carnations, chrysanthemums, tulips and ranunculus is a colorful and varied combination of flowers that gives it a unique look and feel. Carnations add elegance and grace, chrysanthemums - bright accents and volume, tulips - freshness and tenderness, and ranunculus bring notes of sophistication and luxury. This bouquet will be a wonderful gift for various special events or just to please your loved ones with special attention. Order with delivery now!
Composition and size
Chrysanthemum - 1
Lisianthus - 3
Carnation - 7
Ranunculus - 1
Tulip - 2
Eucalyptus - 1
The bouquet of carnations, chrysanthemums, tulips and ranunculus is a colorful and varied combination of flowers that gives it a unique look and feel. Carnations add elegance and grace, chrysanthemums - bright accents and volume, tulips - freshness and tenderness, and ranunculus bring notes of sophistication and luxury. This bouquet will be a wonderful gift for various special events or just to please your loved ones with special attention. Order with delivery now!
Composition and size
Chrysanthemum - 1
Lisianthus - 3
Carnation - 7
Ranunculus - 1
Tulip - 2
Eucalyptus - 1