Flower bouquet "Floral Dance" with rose, chrysanthemum and peony rose
A bouquet of roses, carnations and chrysanthemums is a classic and universal combination that brings comfort and beauty to your home. Roses add romance, carnations add sophistication, and chrysanthemums bring freshness and brightness, creating a harmonious and attractive bouquet. Order with delivery now!
Composition and size
Rose - 9
Eucalyptus - 2
Chrysanthemum - 3
Carnation - 7
Peony spray rose - 5
A bouquet of roses, carnations and chrysanthemums is a classic and universal combination that brings comfort and beauty to your home. Roses add romance, carnations add sophistication, and chrysanthemums bring freshness and brightness, creating a harmonious and attractive bouquet. Order with delivery now!
Composition and size
Rose - 9
Eucalyptus - 2
Chrysanthemum - 3
Carnation - 7
Peony spray rose - 5