Flower bouquet "Light wind" with rose, carnation and hydrangea
A bouquet of roses, lisianthus, hydrangea and chrysanthemums in a box is an exquisite composition that combines the delicacy of roses, the sophistication of lisianthus, the volume of hydrangea and the brightness of chrysanthemums. Each flower makes its own unique contribution to the overall beauty of the bouquet, creating an atmosphere of elegance and sophistication. This bouquet in a box will be a gift for a special occasion or decoration for the interior.
Composition and size
Rose - 7
Astilbe - 2
Chrysanthemum - 1
Carnation - 1
Hydrangea - 1
Lisianthus - 3
A bouquet of roses, lisianthus, hydrangea and chrysanthemums in a box is an exquisite composition that combines the delicacy of roses, the sophistication of lisianthus, the volume of hydrangea and the brightness of chrysanthemums. Each flower makes its own unique contribution to the overall beauty of the bouquet, creating an atmosphere of elegance and sophistication. This bouquet in a box will be a gift for a special occasion or decoration for the interior.
Composition and size
Rose - 7
Astilbe - 2
Chrysanthemum - 1
Carnation - 1
Hydrangea - 1
Lisianthus - 3