Flower bouquet "Lilac whirlwind" with luxurious fragrant lilacs

Dhs. 1,790.00


The “Lilac Whirlwind” bouquet is a real work of art, created for connoisseurs of beauty and sophistication. It consists of delicate, graceful branches of lilac, chosen with special care. This bouquet will be a wonderful gift for any occasion and will help you relax and unwind.  

Composition and size

Lilac - 15



The “Lilac Whirlwind” bouquet is a real work of art, created for connoisseurs of beauty and sophistication. It consists of delicate, graceful branches of lilac, chosen with special care. This bouquet will be a wonderful gift for any occasion and will help you relax and unwind.  

Composition and size

Lilac - 15