Flower bouquet with 15 peony spray rose

Dhs. 505.00


A bouquet of peony spray roses is the embodiment of tenderness and romance. These roses are distinguished by lush buds that resemble peonies and a rich color palette. The bouquet will be an excellent gift for a wedding, anniversary, or birthday and will delight the recipient with its beauty and aroma for a long time.  

Composition and size

Peony rose spray - 15
Eucalyptus - 2



A bouquet of peony spray roses is the embodiment of tenderness and romance. These roses are distinguished by lush buds that resemble peonies and a rich color palette. The bouquet will be an excellent gift for a wedding, anniversary, or birthday and will delight the recipient with its beauty and aroma for a long time.  

Composition and size

Peony rose spray - 15
Eucalyptus - 2