Flower bouquet "Sweet Candy" with hydrangea, peony rose and carnation
The "Sweet Candy" bouquet is a delightful arrangement bursting with charm and elegance. It features 6 vibrant blue hydrangeas as the focal point, surrounded by 15 pure white roses that add a touch of sophistication. Complementing these are 10 lush pink peony roses, adding a soft and romantic flair. Scattered throughout are 18 delicate pink spray roses, bringing texture and fullness to the arrangement, along with 15 pink carnations that add a sweet and playful touch. This bouquet beautifully combines shades of blue, white, and pink, creating a harmonious and captivating display reminiscent of a sweet candy dream. Order with delivery now!
Hydrangea - 6
Rose - 15
Peony rose - 10
Spray rose - 18
Carnation - 15
The "Sweet Candy" bouquet is a delightful arrangement bursting with charm and elegance. It features 6 vibrant blue hydrangeas as the focal point, surrounded by 15 pure white roses that add a touch of sophistication. Complementing these are 10 lush pink peony roses, adding a soft and romantic flair. Scattered throughout are 18 delicate pink spray roses, bringing texture and fullness to the arrangement, along with 15 pink carnations that add a sweet and playful touch. This bouquet beautifully combines shades of blue, white, and pink, creating a harmonious and captivating display reminiscent of a sweet candy dream. Order with delivery now!
Hydrangea - 6
Rose - 15
Peony rose - 10
Spray rose - 18
Carnation - 15