Wedding bouquet "Cersei" with rose, lisianthus and carnation

Dhs. 450.00


The Cersei bouquet is the perfect combination of roses, lisianthus and carnations for your wedding. Delicate shades and a variety of colors will create a unique image of the bride.  

Composition and size
Astilbe - 3
Eucalyptus - 2
Carnation - 7
Lisianthus - 6
Rose - 5



The Cersei bouquet is the perfect combination of roses, lisianthus and carnations for your wedding. Delicate shades and a variety of colors will create a unique image of the bride.  

Composition and size
Astilbe - 3
Eucalyptus - 2
Carnation - 7
Lisianthus - 6
Rose - 5