Bouquet of peonies: a great choice for all occasions

Flowers are amazingly beautiful creatures. They are the most amazing part of the world. There are many stories about how roses, peonies, and tulips appeared. According to an ancient legend, the origin of peonies is associated with the ancient Greek god Peon, and roses with the goddess Chloris. Fresh bouquets of them are a universal way to bring a smile to the woman you love. They will give a friend a good mood and help express gratitude.

 Floral diversity The cultivation of peonies originated in China thanks to healers who grew plants for medicine. They managed to develop beautiful and lush ornamental varieties that became the attraction of the imperial gardens.

 Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, today we can admire the beautiful appearance of more than five thousand plant varieties. To make it easier to navigate all the varieties, a flower classification was built.

By structure they are:





 Interestingly, flowering times also vary. Gardeners who passionately love these flowers specially select early, middle and late varieties. Thus, they enjoy the appearance and aroma of wonderful representatives of the flora for about 2 months.

Juicy and aromatic subgroup of terry

Flowers in this category are popular varieties of peonies, and therefore also have distinctive features. Landscape design specialists and seasoned summer residents have a special love for air shrubs, because they add a bright accent to the entire garden composition.

Terry peonies differ according to the following principle:

Crowned. A representative of the domestic selection is “Anastasia” with lush, sophisticated pink-cream petals.

Globular. Bomb-shaped "Red Charm" has a huge inflorescence in the form of a ball.

Rose-shaped. In this category we can distinguish the variety "Miss F.D. Roosevelt", characterized by large pink flowers and a dense meter-long bush.

Semi-rose-shaped. In this group is "Beev" - a creation of flora with beautiful carmine pink petals.

When peonies bloom, it is impossible to pass by and not admire these elegant bushes. An impressive selection allows you to create incredibly beautiful bouquets.

How to properly grow the “king of the garden”

The flower market is rich in varieties of peonies and its hybrids. Today you can purchase the best examples of world selection achievements and plant them on your own plot. Beginners learning the science of cultivation often wonder how peonies are bred. This lesson has several features, following which you can soon see amazing results.

The overwhelming number of flower growers recognize that the place where peonies are grown should always be well lit. The plant should be located in an area with free air movement and at the same time protected from sharp, strong winds. This magnificent specimen of flora is considered resilient, but it is recommended to carefully fertilize and check the acidity of the soil. If the pH is below 6, liming is necessary. Fresh and lovely flowers collected in a bouquet will give the room a delicate aroma. With proper spatial composition, untouched shrubs will become an element of the thematic composition. In any of these options, peonies will delight lovers of nature and fauna.

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