Graceful hydrangea: types and features

This amazing flower combines extraordinary beauty, completely devoid of pretentiousness. The origin of hydrangea is the eastern countries, from which a wonderful example was brought to Europe. These flowers are always desirable in floristry, because they have iridescent and pleasant shades. An experienced florist can create a unique bouquet from one branch.

Variety of varieties of unpretentious creation

 According to a poetic love story, the beautiful flower was named by a naturalist who found it in Asia, where hydrangea comes from. He was so struck by the beauty of the plant that he gave it the name of his beloved.

 Popular varieties of hydrangea are used for elegant flower arrangements. The flower itself is persistent, proud, and even when cut, it pleases with its beauty for a long time. In the middle zone, the following varieties are most often used: Tree-like. The plants are characterized by large and spherical inflorescences and oval green leaves. Among the extensive family, this species is considered undemanding. Flower growers highlight the following proven varieties: “Annabelle”, “Grandiflora”, “Sterilis”, “Pink Bella Anna”, “White House” and “Invincible Spirit”. Paniculata. An unpretentious bush up to 1.5 m high. The inflorescences have a fluffy pyramidal shape. Some varieties are frost-resistant. Recognized varieties: “Grandiflora”, “Vanilla Fraze”, “Kiushu”, “Limelight”, “Pinky-Winky”. Large-leaved. The impressive, spherical inflorescences look stunning. The flower is demanding, needs a shady area and does not tolerate frost. The most beautiful are considered to be: “Nikko Blue”, “Alpengluchen”, “Schneeball” and “Kumiko”. Oakleaf. Heat-loving but hardy plant. The foliage is dense, the flowers are openwork and collected in large inflorescences. There are two varieties: “Snowflake” and “Snow Queen”. Summer residents and experienced gardeners especially love hydrangea. Its lush flowering pleases the eye in the summer, and in the fall it surprisingly changes shades to deeper and wine-colored ones.

Wild colors in the garden

When hydrangea blooms, it is impossible to pass by without admiring it. Bright blue, pink, white, purple inflorescences interestingly change their appearance on the eve of autumn. The advantage of this wonderful representative of the flora is its long flowering period. When most of the bushes have already faded, the hydrangea continues to smell fragrant. In order for lush shrubs to develop well, they must be planted on humus-rich soils. They do not grow on calcareous soil, but thrive in well-drained areas with a small amount of lime. They grow well in acidic, moist, peaty and sandy soils. The bushes need additional nutrients and heavy pruning in spring and fall. Blooming hydrangeas give the garden a solemn atmosphere, because even a single bush stands out among the many other plants. They decorate not only open areas, but also those located in the shade of trees. They can fill empty spaces, creating an amazing garden composition.

Hydrangeas as a designer's tool

The popular meaning of hydrangea flowers is modesty, faith, hope and sincerity. Many peoples believe that its miraculous power lies in its ability to ward off illnesses and misfortunes. Thanks to this opinion, it is used as a ceremonial bouquet or as an element of landscaping in a city or country house. Why it's popular: Bouquets for weddings look impressive and give an antique effect. Landscape design is not complete without accenting areas with this shrub. The flower is widely used in a variety of urban compositions. Increasingly, the beautiful representative of flora is seen as an ideal tool for landscape architects. The plants are unique with their abundant flowers and long flowering period, therefore they create a long-lasting decorative effect on the site.

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